ESPAÑA 2007 4348 Sellos ** MNH HB Faros Españoles Punta del Hidalgo Tenerife, Cabo Mayor Cantabria,

ESPAÑA 2007 4348 Sellos ** MNH HB Faros Españoles Punta del Hidalgo Tenerife, Cabo Mayor Cantabria,

This fully reproduced in this stamp in other electronic or printed without the express permission of the owner.
If you are interested contact the owner Stamp: Jesús M. Fernández

Descripción / observaciones

Faros Españoles Punta del Hidalgo Tenerife, Cabo Mayor Cantabria, Punta Almina Ceuta, Melilla, Cabo de Palos Murcia y Gorliz Vizcaya

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