Dogs: Beagle - Boston Terrier - Alaskan Malamute - Collie - Serie: Dogs.- (Canis Lupus Familiaris)

Dogs: Beagle - Boston Terrier - Alaskan Malamute - Collie - Serie: Dogs.- (Canis Lupus Familiaris)

This fully reproduced in this stamp in other electronic or printed without the express permission of the owner.
If you are interested contact the owner Stamp: Herman Cudris Castañeda

Descripción / observaciones

Sello N|1) Beagle y el Boston Terrier: Codigos: Michel:US 1708 - Stamp Number:US 2098 - Yvert et Tellier:US 1547 - Stanley Gibbons:US 2095 - Sello N°2- Alaskan Malamute y el Collie: Códigos de Catálogos: Michel:US Michel:US 1709 - Stamp Number:US 2099 - Yvert et Tellier:US 1546 - Stanley Gibbons:US 2096.

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