Paloma de Roca - Columba Guinea Leeba-King:Moshoeshoe II (1938/96) - -

Paloma de Roca - Columba Guinea Leeba-King:Moshoeshoe II (1938/96) -  -

This fully reproduced in this stamp in other electronic or printed without the express permission of the owner.
If you are interested contact the owner Stamp: Herman Cudris Castañeda

Descripción / observaciones

Sello de Lesotho-Reino de Sudáfrica - King:Moshoeshoe II - Columba Guinea:Paloma de Guinea, ave columbiforme de la familia columbidea, ampliamente conocida por Africa subsahariana - Códigos de Catálogos: Michel:LS 331 IIX - Stamp Number:LS 322a

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